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Resources - Article: Higher Order of Being
By Lynn "Phoenix" Marks - The Messenger
Coach, Speaker, Author

"Good Morning. This is God. I’m taking care of all your problems today. I won’t need your help. So have a good day!"

I had just been, figuratively speaking, kicked out of a national women’s spiritual conference and found these words on a speaker’s table as I was leaving the arena. They may have been the most valuable reason for my participating.

Having been truly inspired at the previous year’s conference, I volunteered to support and hold the space for the success of this year’s conference.

It was conference day. Some 15 thousand women came together for this event. And, in a private room overlooking the arena hall some 20 or so women volunteers had gathered to hold the space with prayer and thanksgiving for this conference and the one to follow in the next city on this national tour. Or so I thought.

It had taken all I had, all my inner strength, to be there this particular day. It was a time in my life when it seemed that everything that could go wrong was definitely doing so. I felt that my life had fallen a part. My husband of just a couple of years turned out to be a "bad guy." I had huge debts and financial responsibilities. My house and other properties were being foreclosed on. Seven thousand copies of Messages from God had just been printed and I was told to put my dreams and passions on hold.

No matter what I did, including the experts I hired, didn’t seem to be working out. I was deeply hurt and embarrassed. I didn’t know where to turn for help or who to trust.

I felt that I had failed again; only this time may have been my worst failure. Who was I to call myself a business and spiritual coach or an inspirational speaker?

Often when we are at major turning points in our life we simply don’t get it. We may think we’ve taken a wrong turn and yet it has put us exactly where we need to be to fulfill our life purpose.

Thomas Edison knew this when he said: "I did not fail ten thousand times. The light bulb was an invention with ten thousand steps."

It is often during these confusing and stress-filled times, that we are most vulnerable to what appears to be others’ good, yet oftentimes self-serving, intensions. Today was one of these days. In retrospect, this day shined the spotlight on a pattern of turning to such people in the past that helped to put me just where I was that day.

The leader of the volunteer prayer group knew something of my situation. Apparently she told several of the women. All of a sudden I found myself surrounded by some four, then six and as many as eight women. As they encircling me they shouted that I had to take Jesus as my savior. Some were singing hymns. Others were quoting Bible verses. Another pulled me to her bosom. She was telling me it was OK to be Jewish and to love God, but Jesus was the answer to solving all my problems.

As clear-headed and politely as I could, I shared that I respected and honored their beliefs and expected them to do the same for me. I believed in a loving, powerful spirit called God that loved and provided for all beings regardless of religion. I believed in a God that flowed through the hearts and minds of all being, not some rather than others. I believed that one didn’t need to be a Christian to have a Christ consciousness or to be a child of God. I believed in one God.

The leader said that if I wasn’t willing to take Jesus as my savior right then and there she was ordering me to leave the group and the conference immediately. You know, my inner radar seems to flash with big lights and sound effects whenever I’m given an ultimatum, like in an "if-then" statement or "you need to or should" statement.

Feeling exiled, and only wishing I had the degree of inner knowing of Kahil Gibran who wrote "They have exiled me from their society and I am pleased, because humanity does not exile except the one whose noble spirit rebels against oppression," I held my head up and my tears back the best I could as I walked past these women. I walked down the empty corridor to the steps that led to the empty lobby and concession area that circulated around the arena’s hall. Everything was still and quiet. The hall was empty except for the many vendor tables. All the people were inside attending the conference. As I was walking toward the exit doors I turned back to look toward the arena. Surely what I just experienced could not be the intent of this conference. Then, something caught my eye on a table. There it was, a stack of colored papers with the same message typed on them, each two-and-a-half inches square. I selected a bright yellow square.


I kept that message in my make-up draw. Each day as I prepared to face the world, I read it daily: "Good Morning. This is God. I’m taking care of all your problems today. I don’t need your help. So have a good day!"

In the beginning I felt like I was going through the motions, much like the saying: "Fake it until you make it." Many days I found myself returning to this message over and over. In time I noticed that I felt immediate peace from the inside-out as I read the message.

Perhaps St. Francis of Assisi said it best: "Start by doing what’s necessary and what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

Cher knows this truth too: "Every time I fail, and I’ve had huge failures, I only know how to put one foot in front of the other. That’s how I do it."

During this time I was reminded of this truth again.

As I became more centered in my oneness with God and focused on taking the next step, even baby steps, my external world reflected this peace as well. It wasn’t that my "problems" mysteriously went away. It was that I was more in-tune with my higher self, my intuition, my God-self and I was receiving inspired direction on next right steps.

I was living a little more each day in the spirit of "Let go, Let God." Instead of spending time with my mind talk and inner fears or a good friend reliving what happened and wondering how I got here, I released more and more worry, shame and fear to God.

I was led to honorable people for legal assistance and good people were led to hire me that ultimately covered all my legal expenses. I found the strength to fire other financial and legal experts who preyed on my vulnerability, emotions and pocket-book.

I was even led to an accountant who knew the operations of the prestigious CPA firm that was representing me. He told me who to approach and how to do so, to eliminate the huge payment they were requesting for work that I knew had not been performed. When I finally felt led to make that telephone call, the outstanding invoice for some eight thousand dollars was forgiven in less than five minutes for one dollar.

Honestly, it has taken me years to really get that it is in seeing, thinking and feeling my self as separate from God that "bad" things happen. In truth, they are just things. They weren’t personal. I made them personal and attached meaning to them (read that shame and embarrassment) that made myself wrong and kept me stuck where I was.

As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

The more I focused on them, the more I felt the pain and the more I feared what would come from all this, the more pain, loss and unhappiness I experienced.

We are incredible magnets of light energy. And, whatever we focus on is what we attract, manifest, create. When we stay focused on our God-self, and not the illusions that we find our self in (which in fact we created in ways know and unknown), we are always shown the higher path that leads to true salvation in this life time.

And, what is this salvation that is common to all religions? Many today use the term prosperity or abundance. In its full context they are talking about authentic success - health, wealth and happiness.

As Henry David Thoreau said: "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. . . He will live with license of a higher order of beings."

We offer this article on a non-exclusive basis. You may reprint or repost this material as long as Phoenix Lynn Marks’ name, copyright and contact information are included.

© 2005 Phoenix Lynn Marks, known as the SpiritDiva, is an intuitive coach who writes and speaks on understanding the messages of life to realize our full potential. She is the author of Messages from God®, Strategies for Your Personal Success and The Gift of Change.

For private sessions or to subscribe to her newsletter contact
spiritdiva@bellsouth.net | www.MessagesFromGod.com

Message From God...
Be a no limit person by reading a delightful - Absorbing book on how to maximize your full potential.

Mark Victor Hansen

Client's Saying...
Visualize and actually achieve your professional goals by getting over the obstacles that mentally and physically get in your way.

Alicia Jansen

Bible Speaking...
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

Matthew 7:7

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Messages from God is a Registered Trademark of Phoenix Lynn S. Marks