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Resources - Article: Breaking Through
By Lynn "Phoenix" Marks - The Messenger
Coach, Speaker, Author

I started to step forward and then I seemed to rock back to my starting position. About a 12-foot iron pole of rebar filled the gap between reality and transformation. Elisa stood on one end of this gap and I on the other. And resting on the outside of our necks in the soft-spot indentation above our respective windpipes was either end of the sawed off and filed rebar. This was the same rebar used to lay foundations of houses and reinforce skyscrapers. We were told that it took 60,000 pounds of tensile strength per square inch to bend this piece of iron that was no thicker than a half-an-inch wide in diameter.

Patti said this iron would bend like melted butter. It took focused intention, not brute strength. It would bend with grace and ease. And, we could do it instantly.

Patti is a powerful instant energy healer.

The process seemed simple. I saw it successfully demonstrated by several other participants in the workshop. They seemed to do just what Patti said and the metal bent almost effortlessly.

I was so ready. I knew I could do this. I wanted to do this. It felt like play and I felt success was mine. Your sex, height, weight or age didn’t seem to matter. Neither did your partner’s attributes.

There we were standing in position to walk toward each other, one foot in front of the other. A napkin lay between that soft part of our neck and the rough, cold metal. We each had our hands on top of the rebar to protect our chins.

We both became centered, took a few breaths and focused into each other’s eyes, knowing our intention – see the center of the iron rod melting like butter. And, when we were so focused that the space around our partner’s head became almost grainy we were to move toward each other. No force, no rushing; just step forward and know it was done.

“Did you know that you jolted,” Patti said to me after our second attempt.

Perhaps you can guess my immediate response. “No, I didn’t.” Then I went on to explain what happened from my perspective. And, inadvertently, in the process of making myself right I made my partner wrong.

In Messages from God it says: “Life sends you lessons. Distinguish the who from the what and move on.”

This was one of those life lessons.

This iron exercise with only the strength of our throats and the intention of our thoughts is a metaphor for creating success. It has been played out knowingly and unknowingly everyday, in every culture, in big and small situations throughout the world since the beginning of time. It’s played in business offices, in relationships and in athletics. It’s played by engineers, actors, teachers and doctors.

So what really happened? The moment came. I felt a clear sense of oneness with my partner and our agreed intention. Being the shorter of the two, I was the designated person to step forward first. I did. Then almost instantaneously I seemed to put on the brakes and bounced back virtually to my starting position. We started over. We got centered, focused, felt the oneness. I jolted again.

On the second attempt Patti pointed out what she observed. ”You jolted.” “No,” I responded. “I stepped back when I noticed that Elisa hesitated and seemed to step back,” I said.

However, what really went through my mind, and I didn’t share, was that for the briefest of moments I felt afraid. It wasn’t big, but apparently just enough that I froze. When I noticed that Elisa seemed to hesitate and step backwards I lost my focus and slipped into fear instead of trust. Instead of holding the vision of the rebar bending, I ever so briefly sensed it could go through Elisa’s throat. That was the “jolt.”

Even though I felt that I had stepped forward, it was more like I was rocking back and forth. I had never truly changed positions. In fact, in that split-second of hesitation, I had partially created or contributed to just that which I feared. My holding on to an old belief had kept me stuck.

We paused. My partner Elisa brought our attention back to the center of the rod. It was crooked. It had begun to bend. There was the beginning of an “S” curve. Again, we centered. Focused. Connected in oneness with each other, the moment, with our shared vision. And, in an instant we broke through. What had been straight was now collapsed; both ends had come together. The impossible had become possible. The illogical was logical. An old belief had been replaced with a new reality. The truth had changed.

As Stephen Hawkins, the father of quantum physics said, “There are no boundaries; only possibilities.”

However this truism is not new. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the 19-century German poet, dramatist, novelist, and scientist said: “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness . . . That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too . . . Whatever you can do, or dream you can. Begin it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! Begin it now.”

Perhaps you too have sputtered now and again on this journey called life. And, in reflection you see those moments when you desired one thing, thought you were stepping forward and in reality jolted. Pause. Breathe. Center again. Choose what you want now, this moment, in the only time that you can manifest a new reality. With relaxed, focused intention see it already done. Feel the ease, the joy, the gratitude. Be one with it. And, when you are connected with the oneness of all that is, and at the cusp of seeing, feeling and knowing this new truth is just beginning to come forth, step forward boldly, in grace. It is done.

We offer this article on a non-exclusive basis. You may reprint or repost this material as long as Phoenix Lynn Marks’ name, copyright and contact information are included.

© 2008 Phoenix Lynn Marks, known as the SpiritDiva, is an intuitive coach who writes and speaks on understanding the messages of life to realize our full potential. She is the author of Messages from God®, Strategies for Your Personal Success and The Gift of Change.

For private sessions or to subscribe to her newsletter contact
spiritdiva@bellsouth.net | www.MessagesFromGod.com

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Be a no limit person by reading a delightful - Absorbing book on how to maximize your full potential.

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Client's Saying...
Visualize and actually achieve your professional goals by getting over the obstacles that mentally and physically get in your way.

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Bible Speaking...
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."

Matthew 7:7

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Messages from God is a Registered Trademark of Phoenix Lynn S. Marks